

Plateau State Governor, Barr Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang has charged political appointees t o aggregate their collective thoughts and work as a team for the purpose of effective service delivery to Plateau people. He said his administration is determined to inspire and make Plateau people proud of their heritage, saying there would be no room for failure. Governor Mutfwang stated this on Monday while declaring open a retreat and onboarding of New Executive Council Members, political Appointees, Permanent Secretaries, Chief Executives of Parastatals, and the Governor's Direct Reporting Unit Staff, held at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Jos. He explained that Plateau State has been in distress and the time to rise and rebuild the state for the prosperity of the people is now. Governor Mutfwang  described the retreat as the first in the series of workshops that would be conducted for top government functionaries in the state and urged participants t


Elmangs Amos Writes The most popular black nation, Nigeria is known for its cultural vibrancy and diversity located in Western Africa. It has a population of over 200 million people and over 500 different Languages. Nigeria is rich in Crude Oil, Tin, Iron, Ore, Coal, Limestone, Niobium, Lead, Zinc, and arable land. Without mincing words, I can boldly say that the country has an agricultural prowess of feeding itself and other nations. Nigeria is also a country with diversity of gifts and talents, its numerical strengths of professionals in the field of science and technology and other fields of human endeavour is second to none. In view of the above, one should be proud of himself to be call a Nigerian. Nonetheless, the reality of the country is totally off what the country is known for as government sectors and parastatals looks unworkable. The educational sector in the country, the health, the security, economy, production, agricultural, transport, the judiciary sectors among others

There is no success without a successor

Elmangs Amos ✍ Scores of people across the globe have attained greatness in life; achieving the higher numbers of degrees in high grades, gotten their dream and lucrative jobs, own their own businesses, travel round the world as they pleases and so on. Some of these kinds and categories of people struggle all alone in their own eyes, while others can recognize visibly, the efforts of others in their success stories. At this stage, that greatness is your greatness and the immortal God gives you grace to decide what, when and why. Nonetheless, that success is a success but not, when there is no successor. In as much as you are blessed with grace through hardwork to accomplish certain task with difficulty or ease, morally and spiritually, it is expected that you are graced or blessed to grace or bless others. Biblically, there is a big why to why there should be a successor; in the lives of Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, Paul and Timothy, Jesus and the disciples among others, one th